Background and Introduction

Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator reference standard contains common CFTR  mutation sites, and is suitable for internal quality control of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator nucleic acid detection, which can be used to monitor and improve the precision of  clinical laboratory testing methods.

Key Features

 Wide range of applications 

NGS, Sanger, PCR, time-flight mass spectrometry,chip and other platforms are applicable

 Sample derived from  human cell line 

Mimic patient samples

 Complete variant loci 

Cover common variants


 Confirm LDT Performance

Accuracy verification 

Repeatability verification 

Stability verification

Definite detection limit

 Performance Verification 

Regularly monitor  process performance

 Routine Quality Control

Background noise  interference evaluation

Comparison performance  differences across platform

Product list
